Symptoms of a Tango-junkie

You've danced with one of the biggies and survived.

You own a tango t-shirt and wear it in public - constantly.

You go through withdrawal without at least one tango-high per week.

You realize you're bieng swept away.

Your friends are plotting to kidnap you for a week of serious deprogramming.

You know who Carlos Gardel is.

You've sold or moved most of your furniture to give yourself practice space.

You make sure you never run out of breath mints.

You've had a big tango-fight with your partner.

You listen to tango music when you're not at a practice or milonga.

You bring your ankles and knees together all the time.

You plan the rest of your social life so that it doesn't conflict with tango nights.

You own a bootleg copy of Tango Bar.

Your wardrobe is predominately black.

Ocho is more than just a number.

Your fantasy destination is Buenos Aires.

You've progressed from the practic hold to full contact tango.

You have to work hard to maintain non-tango friendships (if you have any left).

You've been dancing a year and still don't get bored talking tango.

You can turn any conversation to tango in two minutes.

You no longer have parties at your house; you host milongas.

When you look in the mirror, you are usually looking at your feet.

Your shopping cart often substitutes as your dance partner.

You've danced long enough to realize that you want to keep it simple.

Your computer passwords at work are always related to tango.

Your ear has been trained to recognize tango possibilities in all forms of music.

Subtle moves have begun to reveal themselves (without lessons)

You practicw the roles of both lead and follow to fully understand the dance.

You maintain a phone list of the hardcore tangueros in your area.

You bring tango CDs to wedding receptions for your requests.

Tango has deminished, if not ruined, The appeal of other dances.

Your passion-index is much higher compared to your pre-tango days.

You have become nocturnal.

You have a Boa in your closet.

You have been spotted dancing tango in parking lots.

Posters for upcoming tango events are magnetized to you refrigerator.

You have developed a healthy fear of foot injuries.

Your interest in shoes could be a fetish.

One of the most exciting thing in the world is to dance tango with a complete stranger.

Family assumes you want tango-related birthday gifts.

Weight-Shifts...subtle; Arms..quiet,

chest guide; Soul connection..

You've left a dance with someone's glitter on your face.

You sandwich feet more often than you shake hands.

You have experienced the after-glow from a wonderfully connected tango.

There is no question that you will always work to improve your dance.

You draw satisfaction every time you break someone's Hollywood misconception of the dance.

You realize that dance presence is as important as dance moves.

Whenever you wait inline, you must fight the urge to randomly gancho those around you.